
Creating a dance that combines documentary film in a Augmented Reality and examines the appearance of the persona as a representation adapted to the system of social expectations.
Through body language, speech intonation, and the encounter between two women and the audience, a confrontation is created between the persona and the inner voices, fears and embarrassing feelings which we tend to conceal. Through the creation of images inspired by paintings of women against the background of fruits from the 18th and 19th centuries and attempts to approach the viewer, the masks are being built and dismantled in a feminine appearance of visible and hidden

Choreographer: Efrat Rubin
The chef: Tali Fridman
Dancers: Efrat Rubin and Iris Nais

Efrat Rubin

Born 1977. Choreographer, dancer and interdisciplinary artist. Won the Ministry of Culture Award for her work as a choreographer in 2014, Israel. Danced and specialized in choreography at P.A.R.T.S – Performing Arts Research and Training (Studio) in Brussels, studio of the Belgian company ROSAS. Graduate of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, in the department of Visual Communication Studies. Holds a B.Des in Design. Graduate of Thelma Yellin High School of the Arts and honoured as Outstanding Dancer by the IDF. Worked independently for the past ten years as a choreographer and performer in different festivals, in various formats, such as: Lublin Dance theater Festival (Poland), DANSE Cam Danse (Belguim), Napolidanza (Italy), Curtain Up (Israel), Danca em Foco, (Brazil), Quinzena de Dança de Almada (Italy), Junction Arts Festival, Canada, Balkanima (Serbia), Epos Festival, Tel Aviv Museum (Israel), Pool 12, Intenationale Tanzfilm palttform, (Gernamy),

,International Exposure Israel and more. Her works have been characterized by their integration of dance with a variety of different art disciplines. Lecturer in Contemporary Dance within the Inter-departmental unit at Bezalel Academy. Lecturer at the Cinema South Festival Isreal, , as part of a workshop combining dance and animation. Worked in collaboration with the artists: Anat Shamgar, Baruch Brener, Osi Wald, Michal Meier, Dana Levy, Yonatan Allbalak and Deganit Shemi and Yehu Yaron.

הצטרפו לניוזלטר